Sunday, September 30, 2007

Week 4 : # 8 RSS feeds & Bloglines

As per Debra's instructions I was able to attach blogline feeds to my blog after 3-4 attempts.
I still think there is a glitch. Thanks Debra.

Week 4: # 9 Newsfeeds

Searching for the news feeds in google was the easiest to use
& it gives you accurate information.
Feedster was the most difficult as there were no pages to display after putting in a search.
Here is a link of what I have looked at about newsfeeds :

Week 4: Task # 8 RSS feeds

I have opened up a Bloglines account & subscribed to 10 RSS feeds according to the instructions.
Frustrating to not be able to link my blogline account with my blog as it does not accept my URL as a feed. Not sure why this has happened? Perhaps a glitch in the system?
Has taken much longer than anticipated & had to do this at home.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 3: # 6 Mashups and flickr tools

I completely forgot to write about task # 6 !

Finally I know what a mashup is .. ! But I'm not telling you about it.

You have to discover it for yourself....

Monday, September 24, 2007

# 7 Blog about Technology

Theri is no better techology than in an Aston Martin.
A picture says a thowsand words . . .

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 3 : # 5 Discover Flickr

Originally uploaded by blueberlina1

Flickr has many options available to browse photos & tags & to also add your own pictures.

Learning about Flickr is interesting although there are many interruptions at work which causes pressure to finish the task. Sites being blocked by the webmarshall don't help either!

At the end of the day this would be my perfect escape...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 2 : Blogging

First Blog EVER!
15 mins a day is not enough to set up this blog...
Let's see what the next task brings.